Comic Book week

In all honesty for this assignment it was so hard to chose! Wonder Woman by Alex Ross, Black Panther by Coates, Stelfreeze and Martin, and Hell Boy by Mike Mignola are all great comics to read and enjoy! So I decide to do a comparison between the art style of Hell Boy vs Black Panther. Hell Boy's style as a who deals with strong positive and negative inking called figure ground. This art style basically means everything blends together and sometimes will be hard to tell what's background and what's foreground. This style made the comic more entertaining to read so you ask the question "what are you looking at?" Then theres Black Panther, Black Panther deals with color and style lighting with heavy strokes. The way the comic panel flows smoothly is what makes Black Panther even more enjoyable and not just the characters. All in all if you haven't read at least one of these you're missing out!


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